Ailleurs Éducation • Partage des savoirs

[Région baloise] Formation en traduction simultanée

L’invitation suivante est en anglais. Pour toute question, coordination ou si tu as envie de participer ensemble à la formation en région baloise, tu peux écrire à :

Regular trainings

2 levels will be offered, with 2 trainings per month for each level, in addition to thematic classes for people wishing to explore for instance legal interpreting, medic interpreting or other specialized topics (dates of thematic classes will be announced throughout the next

What will be the format, and languages ?

Format  : similar for both levels, 2h-long sessions twice a month on fixed dates, mostly organized around exercises and peer feedback, with theory only brought in as much as strictly necessary.

Languages  : instructions are given in English, but a wide variety of languages can be trained. Best is that people reach out to if they are unsure regarding their language combination !

From when to when will they take place ?

Last year the training lasted 7 months which, arguably, can be seen as slightly demanding for our busy schedules. This year, it will be split in two, again mostly over winter. People can join both rounds, or just choose one. There will be a new introduction session at the beginning of the second round to enable people to join

  • 1st training round : 13th of November to February 6th
  • 2d training round : exact dates will be announced later, but it will be from February to May.

    What are the exact days and times ?

Level 1 (people who feel they don’t have much experience or are
beginners) : trainings will be on Wednesdays evenings, 6.30pm CET, on the following days :

13.11, 27.11, 11.12, 08.01, 22.01, 05.02

Level 2 (people who feel like they have a bit of experience and would like to try the intermediate level, which will of course be adapted depending on who is in the room and the needs) : trainings will be on Thursdays evenings, 6pm CET,

14.11, 28.11, 12.12, 09.01, 23.01, 06.02

Who’s running this ?

It’s a mix ! The level 1 is supported by the Movement Hub
(, the level 2 and thematic sessions are
co-organized by a newly created interpreting collective for now based in
mainland France, Polyg’lotta 🙂

Where can I learn more about Poly’glotta, and can I join ?

We will soon start creating a webpage for more information to be available to all. For now we are communicating on Signal. We decided to only open the collective to people who have met in person this summer, for safety and practicality reasons, but the collective will want to support 3 to 4 events a year and you’ll all be invited to support if you’d like to. And then, why not, join the collective ! Trainings, obviously, are open to all - if you know people who would like to join, don’t hesitate to invite them to send an email to and we will add them to the info list.

Interpreting is one thing, but I’d also like to work on my languages. Is that possible ?

Yes ! Self-organized study groups are, well, self-organizing, so just
write back to this address with the languages you’d like to train and a Signal username, and we’ll put you in touch.

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